Chef Lai於2014年畢業於巴黎著名糕點學校Ferrandi,曾在五星級Le Meurice酒店和米其林三星餐廳Pavillon Ledoyen的專業廚房磨練技藝。她的旅程將法國糕點的豐富內涵無縫地帶到了台灣。
2015年,Chef Lai與合夥人一起開設了自己的法式糕點店-Quelques Pâtisseries。她的標誌性創作包括標誌性的黑森林立方蛋糕和雕刻優雅的圓錐勃朗峰。她融合了精湛的工藝和獨特的結構特徵,為法式糕點世界帶來了全新的視角。獲得國際糕點大師的認可,接待各國糕點專業人士來台交流。
2020年,Chef Lai成為Elle & Vire Professionnel台灣大使,在台灣開始有法式甜點以來,為首位以臺灣人身分擔任知名法國品牌的品牌代言人,更在隔年再次擔任法國知名果泥品牌Les vergerois Boiron保虹果泥臺灣區品牌大使,在未來賴主廚會持續運用優質物產和原物料,將靈感轉化為精緻、創新、美味的糕點。
Graduated from Ferrandi in 2014, the prestigious pastry school in Paris, Chef Lai has refined her skills in the professional kitchens of the five-star Le Meurice hotel and the three-Michelin-star restaurant Pavillon Ledoyen. Her journey seamlessly transported the opulence of French patisserie to Taiwan.
Chef Lai excels in using unique and concise decoration techniques, employing locally sourced Taiwanese ingredients that serve as adornments, enhancing the ingredients' inherent colors. She adeptly employs classical desserts as blueprints for pioneering innovations.
In 2015, Chef Lai opened her own French pastry shop – Quelques Pâtisseries. Among her signature creations are the iconic Cube Black Forest Cake and the elegantly sculpted Cone Mont Blanc. With a blend of exquisite craftsmanship and distinctive structural characteristics, she presents a fresh perspective on the world of French pastries. It has received recognition from international pastry masters and has hosted pastry professionals from various countries who visited Taiwan for exchanges.
In 2020, Chef Lai became Elle & Vire Professionnel Ambassador of Taiwan, and The following year, she once again served as the brand ambassador of the well-known French fruit puree brand Les vergerois Boiron in Taiwan. In the future, Chef Lai will continue to use high-quality products and raw materials to transform inspiration into exquisite, innovative and delicious pastries.